How Do Children Learn Social Skills In A Daycare Center?

People assume that a child needs to spend a lot of time with peers in the same age group in order to learn good social skills. But it’s more a combination of engaging in social-skill building activities with same-age peers and well nurturing adults. In a daycare centre, group activities such as play-dates and pre […]
What It Takes To Prepare Your Child For Daycare

You have finally found a good day care for your child. This excites you because you are now sure that your child will learn something new and exciting each day. Unfortunately for you, the first day at daycare does not seem to go so well. Your child does not seem to like his or her […]
Block Play Activities That Your Child Will Enjoy

Blocks are 3-dimensional learning materials that your kids can use while also encouraging all the five senses to do their work. They do not merely teach children how to play. They can also provide many ways to improve one’s math skills, enhance fine motor skills, and encourage social and emotional skills. They are very important […]
What Experts Have to Say About Enrolling Your Child In A Daycare

Some parents tend to think that daycare services are a solution only for children who don’t have a stay at home parent. In fact, daycare has become an everyday service for many children and more stay-at-home parents are starting to consider it for their kids. Parents are learning more about the benefits of daycare for […]