ThornhillWoodbridge | Mississauga | Tottenham

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At A.C.E Daycare, we believe early childhood education is vitally important in shaping a child’s success and well-being in later years. Our curriculum is carefully planned to cover every facet of a child’s development, providing a holistic education in literacy, numeracy, social skills, and emotional resilience. Looking for exceptional childcare that promotes growth and development? Look no further than A.C.E Daycare! Our daycares in Tottenham, Thornhill, Woodbridge, and Mississauga are committed to creating an engaging, stimulating, and enriching experience for your child. Our comprehensive programs for toddlers to kindergarteners cater to various age groups, offering personalized attention that helps each child flourish. By emphasizing holistic development – cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth – our centers provide an experience beyond traditional daycare.

Holistic development refers to an approach that encompasses every aspect of a child’s development – cognitive, social, emotional, and physical aspects alike. At A.C.E Daycare, we recognize that every child develops at their own pace; that’s why our curriculum is tailored specifically for every aspect of development so as to provide children with a well-rounded educational experience.

Our literacy program is designed to instill an early love of reading and writing through fun activities. At Story Time and Reading Time, we engage children in storytelling and reading sessions that expose them to a wide array of stories designed to develop their vocabulary, comprehension, and imagination. We encourage participation in discussions of the stories to strengthen comprehension and language development. Furthermore, our program features exciting phonics games and early writing exercises to establish foundational knowledge necessary for more advanced literacy skills as they progress. Interactive and creative language use is also vital; we utilize role-playing and creative writing activities to encourage children to express themselves freely while simultaneously developing communication skills and increasing confidence in using language.

At A.C.E Daycare, mathematical understanding is fostered through hands-on activities and experiences designed to make abstract concepts tangible for children. Our Numeracy curriculum engages children by using manipulatives such as blocks, beads, and puzzles as tools for exploring mathematical concepts such as counting, sorting, and pattern recognition in an effective and tactile way. At our center, math is integrated into daily routines and play through counting snacks, measuring ingredients for simple recipes, discussing shapes and sizes during art activities or exploring its relevance in everyday life – helping children realize the importance of mathematics for everyday living. Our curriculum promotes problem-solving and critical thinking by encouraging children to think independently and solve problems through guided exploration and experimentation. Activities like building structures, solving simple puzzles and investigating scientific queries help develop curiosity as well as analytical skills – providing a comprehensive approach to early mathematical development.

Social skills are fundamental for overall child development and future success, and A.C.E Daycare places great emphasis on cultivating them. Children regularly engage in group activities that foster collaboration, turn-taking, and sharing; this fosters a sense of community while equipping them to work effectively with others. We also emphasize conflict resolution and empathy by teaching children strategies for peacefully resolving disputes and understanding other’s perspectives. Through role-playing and guided discussions, they learn how to express their emotions while responding to those of others. Additionally, our staff model positive social behaviors and offer opportunities to practice them, creating a supportive and inclusive environment in which strong interpersonal skills can develop while lasting friendships are formed.

At A.C.E Daycare, diversity appreciation is at the heart of our curriculum. Through cultural exploration activities like stories, celebrations, and various activities we expose children to various cultures, traditions, languages, celebrations, and activities which help them gain an appreciation of diversity as they learn about different traditions, languages and cultures. Through an inclusive environment where all children feel valued and accepted we promote mutual respect among young learners – essential components for developing global awareness!

Emotional development is crucial for overall well-being and academic achievement in children, so our curriculum incorporates several strategies designed to strengthen emotional resilience in students. Our aim is to empower kids by giving them tools for recognizing, labeling, and expressing their emotions through books, discussions, and art projects. This approach allows children to understand their feelings more fully while developing healthy coping mechanisms. Additionally, our focus is on building self-esteem and confidence by offering opportunities for children to set and achieve personal goals, celebrate successes, learn from mistakes, and ultimately reinforce their sense of worth and abilities. Furthermore, our curriculum features mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing exercises and guided imagery designed to manage stress while cultivating calm – further supporting emotional regulation and resilience.

At A.C.E Daycare, we understand the importance of creating an emotionally nurturing environment for children’s emotional growth and are dedicated to creating one. Our staff builds strong and trusting relationships with every child enrolled, offering consistent care and emotional support that provides a sense of security and belonging. In addition, we foster positive behavior by creating safe spaces where they can express their emotions or seek support when needed; providing positive reinforcement and thoughtful guidance will aid their emotional health and growth overall.

Physical development is intimately tied to cognitive and emotional growth; our curriculum at A.C.E Daycare helps ensure this through various activities. Gross motor activities provide children with exercises designed to develop large muscle groups, such as running, climbing and dancing. Our activities aim to develop coordination, strength and overall physical fitness in children. At our center, we place special emphasis on fine motor skill development through tasks such as drawing, cutting and manipulating small objects – essential skills needed for writing and self-care. Our curriculum fosters healthy lifestyle habits by emphasizing proper nutrition, regular physical activity, and good hygiene practices. Children learn the value of maintaining a balanced diet through interactive lessons and daily routines; helping them form life-long healthy habits from an early age.

Creativity is essential to holistic development, and our curriculum at A.C.E Daycare actively fosters it in various forms. Children engage in arts and crafts activities such as painting, sculpting and collage-making to improve their fine motor skills as well as to foster self-expression and appreciation of the arts. These arts-and-crafts activities not only develop these abilities but also foster an appreciation of them and teach children about self-expression through these forms of expression. Music and movement are integral parts of daily routines at our school, offering children an outlet to express themselves through rhythm, melody, dance and self-expression. Furthermore, imaginative play forms an integral part of our curriculum by way of role-playing, storytelling and dramatic play – helping children explore different roles while developing creativity, problem-solving capabilities and social interactions.

At ACE, we understand that each child is unique and progresses at their own pace. To meet each child’s individual needs, our staff conduct regular observations and assessments of progress to tailor curriculums that utilize their strengths while supporting areas requiring additional assistance. Furthermore, teaching strategies and activities are tailored specifically for every child based on learning style, developmental stage and other factors; our personalized approach ensures every child gets what they require to reach success.

At A.C.E Daycare, our curriculum is carefully planned to support holistic development by targeting every area of a child’s growth–cognitive, social, emotional, and physical. By creating a nurturing environment and balanced educational experience for our students, we help children build strong foundations for future success. By nurturing literacy, numeracy, social skills, emotional resilience and creative expression skills in each child, A.C.E Daycare stands by your side on their journey of discovery and growth!

Join the hundreds of families across Greater Toronto Area that have made A.C.E Daycare their top choice for quality childcare! Our award-winning centers have long been recognized for excellence in early childhood education. No matter if you live in Tottenham, Thornhill, Woodbridge or Mississauga our staff is dedicated to nurturing your child’s potential while guaranteeing safety and wellbeing – contact us now to discover more about our programs and secure a spot at one of our trusted centers!


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