As a parent who wants the best in child care for your kids, you will surely love to know what to expect when it comes to child care in Canada. To understand how Canadian daycare centers get their license, please refer to the following facts.
There are different programs within a daycare center
Commonly situated in a commercial building, a daycare center offers a variety of programs that will suit the needs of your child accordingly. Generally, child care centers can be classified further into infant care and toddler care centers. There are also center made for school-age children. In Canada, these programs are offered in a group setting that can be conducted within the center in less than 24 hours.
There is also such a thing as a family child care home
This variation of a daycare center is one that is found not in a commercial center but within the licensee’s home. The existence of such types of child care centers all boil down to the need to provide a comfortable, welcoming and nurturing environment for kids. In a family child care home, non-medical supervision can be provided to your kids for less than 24 hours, just like other types of daycare centers.
There are many requirements a child center owner must meet to get its license to operate
Everything starts with attending an orientation. This is scheduled by different organisations that are into child care programs as well. Orientation fees may be charged depending on who organises it. From these orientations, possible child care center owners must also be able to check on the licenses that are required for their type of business. Like with any other type of business being established in the country, they must also be able to choose a structure before eventually registering it and incorporating it. There is a specific website with which these possible owners can search for licenses that suit their business operations.
There are also general child care licensing standards
The Ministry of Education takes charge of giving licenses to these daycare centers. These licenses are needed if the center accepts more than two children aged below 2 in their care. If the daycare center plans to accept children over 2 years of age but under 6 years old, license is needed for those that will cater to more than 5 kids within this age bracket.
There are other training standards these home care providers must meet
Apart from the general licenses, a licensed home care provided is expected to meet several training standards for provincial health and safety (and also caregiving). These care givers must be above 18 years old and must have obtained first aid licenses. The daycare center must also be visited by professionals who will assess the viability of the center to continue its operations. Depending on whether or not you have additional services to offer like care for those who suffer from visual, physical or auditory abilities and those that have chronic medical, behavioural, communication and developmental problems, additional licensing will be necessary.
Other licensing standards must be met
This is especially so if the center aims to serve your kids with food. In this case, food and labeling standards must be met.
It may take time for you to go through all these licensing procedures before entrusting your child in the care of daycare centers. In order to prevent any hassles in making a church, always go for a trusted licensed daycare in Vaughan like us. You can visit us to ask your queries personally or give us a call so you can assess the services that we offer.