ThornhillWoodbridge | Mississauga | Tottenham

When looking for the perfect daycare provider to look after your child, it’s as much about knowing how to spot the negative aspects that indicate it might be advisable to say “pass” and move on as it is about knowing the characteristics of a good daycare centre. After all, a local daycare program can be marvelous in just about every single way, but if the staff hasn’t been CRB checked or won’t allow you to “drop in” whenever you want, it’s probably not going to be a good fit for your requirements. However, this revelation presents a further problem; many parents aren’t actually aware of the signs that they should be looking out for, which means in all likelihood they will probably miss them even if they are there. We’ve prepared a list for you below to ensure you don’t fall into the same trap.

Indicators that a Daycare Centre Might Not Be “As Advertised”

Whenever you arrange to visit a daycare provider it’s a chance to really check whether the service that they are offering meets your expectations. You’re not just staring at a brochure or some website copy; you get to see the facility and the staff in action for yourself. If you see any of the following, your visit should probably end with a “Thanks, but no thanks.”

If you require further assistance or would like to talk to a member of our team about the daycare services we provide, simply pick up the phone and dial either 905-764-9555 (Thornhill centre) or 905-270-4555 (Mississauga centre).

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