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You might think that it is very difficult to plan activities for your toddlers. After all, this is the time of their lives when they seem to experiment on just about anything only to find out minutes later that they get tired of the usual stuff they are doing. Getting them to do things one at a time is the hardest at this stage and yes, their attention span is very short. The good news is when you place them in daycare, educators can make sure that there are activities your toddlers will enjoy. Some of these activities are categorised as follows:

Sensory activities

In daycare centres, sensory play is emphasized. This is where they can use their senses when playing. Your toddler can explore different materials using his senses and will be able to distinguish one type of taste from the other, how an object looks whether big or small, what sound the object produces and so on and so forth. 

Examples of enjoyable activities under this category are:

Arts and crafts

Daycare centres also allow your children to explore their imagination and bring out their artistic side. Through arts and crafts, creative minds are enhanced. There are tons of enjoyable activities when it comes to arts and crafts. Examples are:

Material exploration activities

This stage in your child’s life is perfect for exploration. If you enrol your child in a daycare centre then expect that there are activities that call for exploring different materials whilst also playing. These activities allow them to use their bright minds and become more curious about the world around them. These can also help teachers gauge them as to how they perceive different objects and what they will do with every material they pick. Activities include:

Other miscellaneous activities

Daycare centres will also want to get to know your child better by allowing him to do things beyond sensory play, arts and crafts and material exploration. Pretend play, for one, is another fun activity introduced in daycare. Playing with balloons using their hands whilst acting as if they are playing badminton is also fun. 

There are tons of activities your toddler will surely love when you bring him to daycare in Vaughan. You will surely be surprised with how your child has developed every part of his body and mind whilst enrolled in daycare centres. This will prepare him for traditional schooling later on.

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