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Just like adults, children can also suffer from stress. Fortunately for children, it is easy to handle the situation and find a long-term solution for it. It is however important to note that stress in children can affect growth, IQ and physical strength. Studies today reveal that stress among children as on the increase than it has ever been in any other generation. Much of this can be attributed to the fact that parents hardly spend quality time with their children today.

With the availability of day care centers all over the country, most parents delegate responsibilities that would otherwise lie with them, and this is not a bad thing. In fact, day cares as you are about to learn, can go a long way to help you monitor the psychological growth in your child.

Your relationship with the day care center

This matters a lot. It is as simple as communicating with your child’s day care teachers as often as you can. But it goes beyond that. Seek to find out if your child behaves differently when at home compared to when he or she is at school. There will of course, be some sort of difference. But at no point in time should your child be a recluse when at home or at the day care. Stress, both in children and adults manifests itself by isolation. So if you suspect your child tries to find comfort in isolation or solitude, start talking to him or her.

Make surprise visits


Be sure to make a habit of visiting your kid at the day care. Do so when both your kid and the caretaker least expect. That way, you will find your kid in his or her right ‘element’ while away from you. Remember to carry a treat with you and observe how your kid reacts to seeing you. A stressed kid will look less concerned. Take that into account. If it goes on for a while, then you certainly may have to seek medical assistance. A good day care, will always have the best interest of your child at heart. It therefore won’t matter to them when you drop by when they don’t expect you just to find out how your child is doing.

Games and sports

Games and sports stand out as effective stress busters. That explains why most day care facilities for children boast of a wide range of outdoor games as well as indoor games like puzzles and card games. A mentally healthy child will show interest in such activities. Not so with a stressed kid. So be sure to find out how your child responds to games that children normally like. His or her response can be a huge red flag or a huge sign that all is well.


You will of course, want to take your child to the best day care in Vaughan. You may however, have second thoughts if you suspect your child will be surrounded by bad company. This should of course, worry you because friends shape a person. On the flipside though, you will want to take your child to a day care with the happiest kids in town. The reasoning will be that your child will end up happy when in the company of other happy kids. That will encourage socializing will in turn reduce the chances of your kid developing stress. So as much as possible, find out the kind of friends your child has at school. Then if possible, send your kid to a day care with a good reputation as far as parent and children satisfaction are guaranteed.

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