Choosing the right day care may be a tough call which is why A.C.E Daycare makes it easy for you. A reputable daycare is a must-have for the care of your child and at A.C.E Daycare we ensure our programs stand out. We recognize that children learn best when their senses are engaged and when they are surrounded by a stimulating and educational environment that is continually adapted to meet their developmental needs. Our subsidized daycare in Thornhill for toddlers is dedicated to providing the best service possible to children, parents, and the community. With a goal to support children in their daily tasks that encourage growth and development, we promote self-esteem, a sense of belonging, open communication, independence, and enjoyment.
When looking for a great daycare, it’s essential to consider what you want for your child’s ideal care experience. Whether you prefer a flexible, child-led schedule or a structured, educational environment, an excellent daycare should meet your needs. Ensuring that screen time, such as television or videos, is kept to a minimum and only used as a tool for learning when age-appropriate is something we monitor. Our programs provide top-notch early care and education which enables children to participate in valuable learning opportunities with a team of skilled caregivers. We balance academic goals with children’s natural curiosity and interests and by working closely with the caregivers and parents can support their child’s learning and set them up for success in both school and life. Obtaining a license is mandatory as it ensures that a daycare meets the legal requirements set by the state. Our licensed day care works closely with licensing agencies to validate the safety and compliance of the daycare center and your child’s environment.
At our program, we foster a sense of curiosity and exploration in children by encouraging them to use all of their senses to discover their environment. We also focus on various areas of development such as cognitive, social, manipulative, and more. We provide a flexible, independent and hands-on learning experience that incorporates children’s input and ideas. To ensure that your child doesn’t miss out on any exciting and educational parts of the program, we ask parents to drop off their children before 9:00 am, when the program begins.
We believe in fulfilling our responsibility to care for young children and providing top-quality service to both children and their parents. We strive to create a safe, happy, and positive environment where communication and self-esteem are valued and practiced. We believe that hands-on experiences, individual and group play that is guided by our caring staff is the best way for children to learn. Your children can enjoy circle time, music, drama center, Jolly Phonics, arts and crafts. block/building center, floor toys and puzzles, Library/ Quiet Area and a science and sensory station. A.C.E Daycare has locations in Thornhill, Mississauga, and Woodbridge.
Our Movement and Yoga Program
At A.C.E Daycare, the children are exposed to the arts through specialized teachers who visit the facility several times a week to provide instruction. All children at the center participate in a weekly Movement and Yoga program. They engage in creative movement, Yoga, and various types of dance, using props such as ribbons and balls to enhance their gross motor skills, rhythm, and imagination.
Movement and Yoga provides children with various benefits such as managing anxiety, improving emotional regulation, boosting self-esteem, increasing body awareness, enhancing concentration and memory. As your child develops strength and flexibility, this art form teaches discipline and reduces impulsivity. The breathing exercises and relaxation techniques learned from practicing yoga can assist children with stress management, helping them learn to manage stress in a healthy way. Engaging in movement and learing to relax also helps children to focus on the present moment while relaxing and gaining a peaceful state of mind, which ultimately improves their emotional regulation. The physical practice improves children’s strength, flexibility, and reduces the risk of injury.
Exercises not only increase the circulation of oxygen to the body and brain, but also improve attention span and concentration. It also enhances social awareness and relationships through group and partner work and improves vocal ability increasing confidence in speech through interactive storytelling, making it a great tool for overall personal development. It also promotes healthy sleep patterns by relaxing the body and lengthening the breath.