ThornhillWoodbridge | Mississauga | Tottenham

child care tottenham

Selecting a daycare for your child is an important decision for parents, and when considering Hebrew daycare in Thornhill as an option you are seeking an environment which provides cultural, educational and spiritual benefits that enhance early childhood development in numerous ways. At Ace Daycare’s Hebrew Daycare we provide an enriching yet supportive setting which promotes early child development through a Jewish curriculum.

One of the main advantages of enrolling your child in a Hebrew daycare is receiving an immersive Jewish education. From celebrating holidays to engaging in Hebrew circle time, children will experience their heritage in an engaging and relevant way – helping build strong feelings of identity and belonging while creating positive associations between religion and culture. Hebrew daycares like ACE Daycare provide cultural education as well as academic readiness. Through our Enriched Literacy Program, children are prepared for school with reading and writing abilities. This head start can provide your child with confidence and skills for future success – essential in today’s competitive educational landscape!

At ACE Daycare, our nurturing and secure environment is another key advantage. We employ advanced security measures such as FOB key access and internet viewing capabilities so parents can have peace of mind that their child is safe. Furthermore, our kosher-style, nut-free and pork-free menu caters for every diet need, helping foster healthy eating habits in children from an early age. Additionally, our daycare encourages social skills development and emotional maturity through an array of interactive and play-based activities. Here, children learn to build relationships, share resources and work cooperatively in a friendly and nurturing setting.

Selecting ACE Daycare in Thornhill as the Hebrew daycare of choice means providing your child with a holistic early education experience that emphasizes tradition, academic excellence and overall well-being. Give your child the best start possible by enrolling them in a Hebrew daycare which truly cares about their growth and development.


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