The first day of daycare is quickly approaching and, among many emotions, you’re feeling excited for your little one to begin their learning journey! As one of the best daycares in Vaughan, Ontario, we want to help you get prepared for the first day of daycare while helping your child have a smooth transition from home to school.
The first day of child care is a momentous occasion for both you and your child. You’re sending out the apple of your eye into the world, as they begin to have a social and educational adventure. As a Hebrew daycare in Vaughan, we know the importance of providing only the best experiences for your child, and with September enrollment right around the corner, it’s essential that you and your child are prepared for the first day of school.
We have five superstar tips that are sure to create a lasting first impression on your child’s first day of daycare while giving you the peace of mind that your child is in the best hands possible. Feel confident your little one is having the time of their lives with A.C.E. Daycare and register today for our September classes.
Four ways to get prepared for your child’s first day of daycare
- Highlight all the activities they will be doing at daycare. Going into detail with your little one about what to expect on their first day can be helpful for both you and your child. Approach the conversation in a positive manner and cover some of the basics including:
- How the drop-off and pick-up times will work. Assure your little one that you will always be there at the end of the day welcoming them with a huge, warm hug.
- Talk about how fun nap times and meal times are going to be!
- Describe some of the activities they will be doing throughout the day; circle time, arts & crafts and all the toys and puzzles they will be doing!
- Highlight how many friends they will be making and how the time will fly by because they will be having so much fun with their new companions.
- Adopt a consistent sleeping schedule. If your child has gotten used to staying up late or waking up late in the morning, you should work on adapting an earlier bedtime routine to prepare them for daycare times. Here are some of the ways you can make that happen:
- Start by putting your child 15 minutes earlier to bed a week before daycare starts, and waking them up 15 minutes earlier.
- Discourage the use of any electronic devices or distracting toys an hour before bedtime.
- Ensure that your child’s room temperature is at a comfortable level, with loads of blankets and pillows so that they can have a great sleep.
- Pack everything your child needs the night before. Ensuring that you have everything packed and ready to go in the morning will ensure a smooth process for you and your child. We suggest putting everything in one special spot so that nothing is forgotten during the ‘getting ready’ process; backpack, clothes, cuddly toys, diapers will all be in one designated place for an easy first-day routine!
- Make a game out of practicing self-help skills. Everything is more fun when it’s a game, and for your child, it’s important that they learn new skills while enjoying them! Skills like unzipping their coat, putting on their shoes and hanging their backpack can be turned into a fun race! Incorporating a playful element can make the experience easy for you and a great adventure for your child!
Your child’s first daycare experience will be a fantastic one, and A.C.E. Daycare will ensure that you and your little one will have a positive transition from home to school! Follow our tips to make the first day a special and unforgettable experience – we are always here to answer your questions and ensure your child is in the best hands.
September enrollment is currently open – secure your child’s spot at the best daycare in Vaughan today by calling us at 905-764-9555!